Contact me
We speak English, international requests are welcome !
The best way to contact me is by email:
I am not always able to answer the phone because of my work in the workshop.
However I will be happy to help you.
But perhaps you will already find some answers below…
Is my work too damaged to be restored?
Good news: something can (almost) always be done! After examining the condition of your work, I will provide you with an estimate including several restoration proposals, depending on your budget and the potential of your work. The first level consists of a “minimalist” restoration that will manage the damage to prevent it from getting worse.
What are the different levels of restauration offered?
There are mainly 3 levels of restoration:
• Minimalist: I carry out the strict minimum to ensure the good keeping of the object. I stop the wear and tear, clean up the areas showing mould, and strengthen the weakened areas. The Minimalist restoration does not include any retouching or anything of an aesthetic nature. It is the fastest and the cheapest type of restauration
• Illusionnist: I take extreme care of the aesthetics of the object and fill in the missing areas of the illustration (flaking paint, abrasion, or areas missing due to perforation).
This involves taking care as well of the internal structure and the good keeping of the object, as of its external aspect, even if this has no impact on its good keeping, the aim being purely aesthetic.
• Intermediate: this is everything that can be done between the two options already mentioned, so I can restore a precise area of the work in an illusionist way and the rest of the object in a minimalist way, according to the owner’s wishes and to adapt to his budget.
Are “RESTORATION” and “RENOVATION” the same work?
The retouching that I do aims at making the damage suffered by the work invisible. Restoration returns works of art to the normal state they would have had if they had been kept in good conditions, and without accidents.
On the other hand, I never give a “new” aspect to antiques because it is not a “renovation”! For example, I do not “bleach” fabrics or papers.
How can you get an estimate for a restoration?
Estimates are free. To establish them accurately, I proceed in two stages.
• First of all, a restoration estimate:
Send me as many photos as possible by e-mail. They will allow me to confirm that I am capable of restoring the work and to provide you with a price range.
For a fan:
• Photos of the front and back of the object fully opened: make sure that no fold remains closed, or specify in your e-mail that the fold that remains closed cannot be opened (glued or anything else…);
• Zooms on the damage;
• Specify the type of restoration chosen.
For a globe:
• Photos of the complete work, including the base, next to a common object which will be used as a reference for its dimensions (such as a water bottle or soda can);
• A photo of its cartel indicating the manufacturer of the globe or its cartographer;
• Photos of the two poles as well as of the areas where they meet the base, whatever their condition;
Please specify the type of restoration chosen (see question/answer above).
• Then, a final estimate
If you are satisfied with the estimated cost, you must send the piece to the workshop so that I can examine it in detail and draw up the final estimate. The latter often includes several options, from minimalist restoration to the most accomplished one, with the corresponding costs. The aim is to adapt the level of restoration to your budget.I only go to clients places in exceptional cases, or if it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis on several works.
An estimate will be sent to you within two weeks following the reception of the artwork in the workshop.
What is the safest way to send a fan or a globe?
To send your work to the Atelier L’Utile ZĂ©phyr, it is best to use a specialized carrier. I will help you choose the right packaging.
How do I keep my globes or fans?
You can find all the necessary information for the good keeping of your fans by following this link
Can you estimate or date the work?
I do not provide estimates of works of art as this is another profession, very different from mine! However, do not hesitate to contact me, I will be happy to refer you to experts specialising in these objects. They will provide you with all the information you need.
How long does a restoration take?
This varies according to:
• The characteristics of the object (its size, the damage it shows…);
• The type of restoration required. A full illusionist one takes much longer than a minimalist;
• My load of work at the time of your request
Nota bene: For antique dealers or professionals in the trade, if the works must be restored for an exhibition, a fair or an auction, I adapt to the time constraints. In this case, do not hesitate to inform me.
How much does a restoration cost?
I adapt to each budget. Estimates are flexible because various options of restorations are available. The cost depends on:
• the characteristics of the object (its size, damage, etc.);
• the type of restoration required, the materials to be used and the complexity of the procedures to be carried out
Send me your email
To locate the workshop
Yolaine Voltz
1, avenue du petit Parc
+33 (0)6 43 20 57 20
© Tous droits rĂ©servĂ©s L’Utile ZĂ©phyr – Mentions lĂ©gales – Mise en mots : Lorraine BĂ´le du Chaumont – Mise en images : Sarah LaizĂ© Poullain –